Home > About Clermont – Auvergne INP

Clermont – Auvergne INP

A higher education institution bringing together 3 leading engineering graduate schools offering a range of training and research activities dedicated to innovation, entrepreneurship and economic development.

Strong ties with our community

A public institution for higher education, research and innovation, Clermont Auvergne INP concentrates the engineering strengths of the Clermont-Ferrand academic community, in close connection with societal issues and the demands of the socio-economic and industrial world.

Clermont Auvergne INP is a member of the new the new Clermont Auvergne University.

& a national network

Clermont Auvergne INP is a member of the INP Group which includes Bordeaux INP, Grenoble INP, Lorraine INP and Toulouse INP.

The leading network of public engineering schools in France, Groupe INP graduates one engineer out of 6. It has an integrated preparatory class, La Prépa des INP, and enjoys a strong reputation in engineering training, research, transfer and partnerships.


Clermont Auvergne University

Clermont Auvergne INP is an Établissement Public à Caractère Scientifique, Culturel et Professionnel (EPSCP), a full-scale institution under the authority of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), and partof the new Clermont Auvergne University (UCA).

The launch of this new university aims to integrate the strategies of various partners in higher education and research in Auvergne, in a process of co-construction initiated with the merger of the two universities in Clermont-Ferrand and the I-SITE accreditation process.

The CAP 20-25 initiative has supported the development of this new integrated research university, with its signature theme of “Designing sustainable living and production models”.

The UCA is responsible for coordinating the Auvergne region’s higher education and research community.

Le Groupe INP

The INP Group is fostering links between its engineering schools to enable students to personalize their career paths through cross-curricular programs: students in the last two years of the engineering cycle can take (1 or 2 semesters) and validate teaching modules at another school in the group.

The INP group in figures :

  • 5 localisations : Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Lorraine, Toulouse
  • +35 public engineering schools
  • over 28,000 students
  • 1 integrated multi-location preparatory school

Clermont – Auvergne INP
key figures


major engineering schools


engineering specialties

(Computer Science, Biological Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics Engineering and Data Science, Physics Engineering, Production Systems Engineering, Chemistry, Advanced Mechanics, Mechanics and Industrial Engineering)


2500 students
and 200 doctoral students

32 %

of engineering students benefit from public grants



(around 200 teaching and research staff, around 100 technical and administrative staff and around 50 contract research staff)


international cooperation agreements


Executive management

General Director

Deputy Director International Relations

Jean-Marie NEDELEC
Research Deputy Director

Vincent BARRA
Deputy Director of Studies
and Student Life

2 Social dialogue committes

Social administrations boards

Social Congress

4 Governance bodies

Board of Directors

Scientific Council

Council for Studies and Student Life

Outreach Council

Central services with 36 administrative and technical agents

Annual budget: 24.5 million euros